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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Found a trail key!

Yesterday a SC2 trail key made its way to the surface of my unbelievably messy room. I never even new I had it! Looks like I'll get a 7 hour head start of game play before I sum up the money to purchase it =). I'll be sure to post screen shots of my experience on this blog in the future.


  1. I haven't played the new one but the old was was pretty awesome how is it?

  2. Me and my buddy used to play a lot of starcraft back in the day. However we didn't play a lot of multiplayer when we got Starcraft 2. We don't regret it though. The solo campaign was good enough and we got a lot of fun with our versus matches.

  3. niice :) heck, I don't have the game either. I just used a friends trial key too :p

  4. You should definitely get the game. Many people have been saying it's not Starcraft II, it's Starcraft 2.0 - as in, it's just an upgrade and not a sequel... fuck these people! The game is awesome precisely BECAUSE it didn't change the fundamentals.

  5. Starcraft II was my GOTY 2010 for sure

  6. Awesome!
    A friend of mine played purely with trial keys. It was rather amusing.

  7. :D
    Lucky you; following and supporting! :)

  8. I've yet to play 2 despite brood war being one of my favorite rts's of all time.

    I'm not sure if I want to start now though considering how addicted I was to brood war years previously.

    anyway, have fun!

  9. Better late than never I suppose. Keep getting pestered by people to play this, but we'll see. I want to but at the same time I dont know if I got the time to put myself into it.

  10. good game, but just not really for me.

  11. I wish I liked RTS games more. :-( This game looks like too much fun.


  12. It's definitely an awesome game, too bad none of my friends really play it so it loses a lot of the fun factor there. On the plus side, it's almost equally fun to spectate.

  13. Wow, awesome find. Have fun, it's a really good game.
